Thursday 25th July saw Prime Minister Kier Starmer announced the launch of Great British Energy.
Great British Energy seeks to generate publicly‑owned revenue to reinvest into future energy projects, creating long-term benefits for customers.
Peak Cluster is one of the UK’s leading low carbon industrial clusters which will decarbonise 40% of the UK’s cement and lime industry to give low carbon products as Britain builds back.
John Egan, Project Director for Peak Cluster said:
“Decarbonisation, not deindustrialisation. This is how Britain will transition to Net Zero. And with this, we welcome today’s announcement on Great British Energy.
Peak Cluster will use carbon capture and storage (CCS) to decarbonise 40% of the UK’s cement and lime industry – a vital step in the journey to Net Zero. Together with MNZ, potentially the UK’s biggest carbon dioxide store, we will capture, transport and store carbon dioxide to enable industry to continue its vital tasks while cutting greenhouse gas emissions and grow into new markets for sustainable products.
“The Labour Government is keen to utilise energy infrastructure to secure good jobs with good wages, make low carbon products in Britain, grow the UK’s supply chain and skills base to lead the global low carbon technology sector and secure private investment. Peak Cluster ticks every one of these boxes.
“We will work closely with Government to ensure that Peak Cluster and MNZ create a backbone of industrial decarbonisation opportunity within the that benefits our communities in the north of England – for the UK and beyond.”